Customer Atarfil

Key features of the solution

A company that is dedicated to the manufacturing of products such as Atarfil needs constant data collection to monitor the variables of their production processes. Sometimes there are no solutions on the market that can provide this data in a reliable and personalized way to the company’s needs. This is where ATGMet devices come into play.

Specifically, for this project, a series of ATGMet devices were implemented in order to obtain parameters such as:

  • Ambient temperature
  • Relative humidity

Real-time knowledge of these variables allows making critical decisions related to manufacturing, since even minor changes to any one of these parameters can have a significant impact on industrial manufacturing processes. Moreover, knowing parameters such as temperature and humidity allows for the control and protection of worker safety, particularly during the summer heat when high temperatures can be recorded in some factory regions.

Data visualization

All the information gathered by these devices is sent wirelessly to the visualization platform developed by ATG Analytical using the tool ThingsBoard, which allows the visualization and storage of data in real time and remotely.

To make it simple, customizable, and aesthetically pleasing for the end user of the solution to access the information on each device, a number of display panels have been by ATG Analytical.

This real sample of the final solution shows some of the display panels of a specific device, where you can see the variables that you wanted to measure: temperature and humidity. You can see a panel with the historical evolution of each of the variables, as well as their values ​​in real time and the status of the device, such as whether it is connected or not.

Since it flawlessly integrates with the data flows already implemented in the Atarfil company, including all solutions carried out through Aveva System Platform, like the one developed regarding the data integration project at the Atarfil Middle East plant, it has been possible to implement a scalable solution suitable to the client’s requirements in this way.

A scalable solution to other companies and needs

These devices and panels are completely scalable and configurable for each specific solution, with the possibility of customizing each panel and device to suit each client’s requirements.

Thanks to their modular design, they can be easily adapted to different environments and company sizes, allowing a gradual and efficient implementation of both devices and even display panels. In addition, flexibility in implementation ensures that they can be integrated with pre-existing systems, optimizing both performance and initial investment. This not only improves operational efficiency but also provides a solution capable of evolving over the long term.

This ability to adapt and customize makes these devices and panels an ideal option for companies looking for robust and flexible technological solutions.

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