Environmental, quality, energy and information security policy

ATG Analytical Tech Solutions, S.L.

ATG Analytical, a company dedicated to data integration, management and analysis, has as its main mission to make these data analytics services accessible to small businesses and further empower large industries.

It is a fundamental pillar in the strategic conception of the company to manufacture all our products from a careful selection of materials and electronic components, the requirement by ATG Analytical, not only to know their origin and provenance but also that they are provided with the highest international certifications of quality and environment. As a result, we offer total transparency to the customer about the nature, origin and specifications of the components used. We extend this policy of transparency to our environment, energy efficiency, our employees and our economic and social environment.

Another key aspect of ATG Analytical's policy is Respect. It must be an essential characteristic in dealing with the company's employees, with customers, suppliers and other interested parties, with the environment and, in short, with all our surroundings.

The development of this Policy should lead to an expansion of our markets and customer base, both in other segments and in new countries.

To carry out this mission, ATG Analytical has implemented an Integrated Management System, based on compliance with the Energy Standard UNE-EN.ISO 50001:2018, the Quality Standard UNE-EN-ISO 9001: 2015, the Environmental Standard UNE-EN-ISO 14001:2015 and the Information Security, Cybersecurity and Privacy Protection Standard ISO 27001:2014.

This Integrated Management System, which requires the involvement of the entire ATARFIL Human Team, leads us through the appropriate processes to achieve Continuous Improvement in Energy, Quality and environmental management, to a reduction of its environmental impacts in all its services that may affect the environment, including users and suppliers, to a prevention of pollution and a sustainable use of resources, through compliance with legal and regulatory requirements applicable to the activity it provides, as well as other requirements to which it subscribes and a continuous and demanding commitment to compliance with the Law on Prevention of Occupational Risks.

The principles established to carry out these processes are as follows:

All of which is materialized with respect to the customer and the environment in their perception of:

The Management is committed and requests the commitment of all Company employees, to the extent that it is their responsibility, to develop, improve and apply the Energy, Quality and Environmental criteria defined in the documents of the Integrated Management System.

The Environmental, Quality and Energy Policy is set out in specific objectives for the different areas of the company and is available to any interested party upon request.

Environmental, quality, energy and information security policy updated as of June 2024.